Follow the instructions in the video - pencil and paper ready.
Follow the instructions in the video - pencil and paper ready
Please follow the session according to the video. You will need paper and a pencil ready to go.
Year 2 Maths Workshop
Year 2 Maths Workshop
Year 2 Maths Workshop
Year 2 Maths Workshop
Year 2 Maths Workshop
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Phonics 3 video
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Phonics 2
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Phonics 1
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Maths 3 video
2nd November - Remote Learning - Maths 2 video
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Maths 1 video
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Literacy 2
2nd November 2020 - Remote Learning - Literacy 1 teacher video
2nd November Remote Learning - Year 2 - Introduction and Words or the Week
Year 2 Leavers Assembly - Change Ahead
Year 2 Leavers Message - Goodbye Year 2!
Year 2 Leavers' Quiz - July 2020
June 2020
June 2020