Differences with Cora the Cultural Caterpillar
We are all different! Celebrating difference with Cora the Cultural Caterpillar.
Caring for others
What is bullying? Part 2
Anti-Bullying Week - Empathy
Review of our Learning Values & SMSC Characters - Which is your favourite?
Caring for each other when things get tough and we get tired
Olympic Week - Never Giving Up - Tortoise & Hare: The Rematch
Animals that never give up!
Never Giving Up - Spiders
Never Giving Up - Bahmuka's story
Never Giving Up with Cora the Cultural Caterpillar
NHS - International Nurses Day
Never Giving Up - Finding things hard and tricky!
Never Giving Up with Sammy the Social Stag Beetle
Introduction to our new Learning Value for the Summer term - Never Giving Up.
Seeking to find out - What is Spring and when does it happen?
Seeking to find out - How can we keep our forest areas tidy, clean and safe?
Looking after our world - litter picking
Seeking to find out - Caring about our oceans and seas
World Wildlife Day - Our Amazing Forests
Our Amazing World - David Attenborough
New Year Celebrations - Difference
Chinese New Year - How did it all start?
Hijab - Differences
Difference - We are all different!
Seeking to find out - My hair is different!
Seeking to find out - celebrating differences
The Christmas Story - Everyone Caring
Everyone Caring - Caring for others
Friendship - Everyone Caring
What is bullying? Part 2
What is bullying? How can empathy help us decide?
Everyone Caring - Remembrance
Everyone Caring - Respecting the outdoors
Working Together - Sammy Social Stag Beetle
Working Together
Working Together - Collaboration
Working Together - Farm to Fork
What is the school council and what do they do to help the school?
Headteacher assembly welcoming everyone back and launching our first learning value.
Whole School Assembly - Respect Part Two
Whole School Assembly - Part 1 of two weeks about respect
Whole School Assembly - Empathy Part 2
Understanding the word Empathy
Everyone Caring - Looking after pets Part 2
Everyone Caring - Looking after pets Part 1
Everyone Caring about our oceans - Ocean Day Monday 8th June 2020
Which Learning Value will we be focusing on this half term? Can you guess?
VE Day School Assembly